Boat Show Investment Forum 2018

El IDI organiza la segunda edición del Boat Show Investment Forum para inversores y emprendedores junto con Keiretsu Forum, una de las mayores redes de inversores privados del mundo. La cita será el próximo día 30 de abril en la sala de actos del edificio de Ports de Balears a partir de las 11.00h.

El objetivo del Boat Show Investment Forum es valorar y dar visibilidad a los proyectos empresariales, a la vez que se dinamizan las inversiones en el ámbito de la náutica. Las start-ups tienen una oportunidad de presentarse y dar a conocer su proyecto ante un público de calidad que les puede ofrecer buenas oportunidades para impulsar su idea.

Así, se dinamiza un sector tan importante para nuestra comunidad cómo es el náutico, a través del impulso de sus start-ups.

Para participar en el Forum, se tiene que ser una empresa o proyecto start-up (con menos de dos años) o una empresa en fase de crecimiento (con más de dos años) vinculada al sector de la náutica y que busque inversión privada.

Además de esta jornada de contacto, los inscritos en el Foro recibirán unos cursos previos:

– Los emprendedores, asistirán a un workshop que les ayudará a presentar proyectos de manera atractiva para captar el interés de los inversores. El curso tendrà lugar el 18 de abril, de 15.00 a 19.30h, y el 19 de abril, de 9.30 a 13.30h, en la Cámara de Comercio en Palma.

– Los Inversores Privados o Business Angels podrán participar en un curso (Academy) sobre optimización del tiempo y de los recursos económicos, así como harán prácticas para evaluar de una manera profesional y eficiente los proyectos y oportunidades de inversión. El curso se hará el 19 de abril, de 15.00 a 20.00h, y el 20 de abril, de 10.00 a 16.00h, en la sala de prensa de la Conselleria de Treball, Comerç i Indústria en Palma.

Así, tanto inversores como emprendedores podrán aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en estos cursos al fórum de inversión el 30 de abril.

La fecha límite para la inscripción será el día 6 de abril.

Si sois emprendedores, condiciones e inscripciones aquí.

Si sois inversores, condiciones e inscripciones aquí.

 [:ca]L’IDI organitza la segona edició del Boat Show Investment Forum per a inversors i emprenedors, juntament amb Keiretsu Forum, una de les majors xarxes d’inversors privats del món. La cita serà el proper dia 30 d’abril a la sala d’actes de Ports de Balears a partir de els 11.00h.

L’objectiu del Boat Show Investment Forum és valorar i donar visibilitat als projectes empresarials, a la vegada que es dinamitzen les inversions en l’àmbit de la nàutica. Les start-ups tenen una oportunitat de presentar-se i donar a conèixer el seu projecte davant un públic de qualitat que els pot oferir bones oportunitats per impulsar la seva idea. Així, es dinamitza un sector tan important a la nostra comunitat com és el nàutic, a través de l’impuls de les seves start-ups.

Per participar al Forum s’ha de ser una empresa o projecte start-up (amb menys de dos anys) o una empresa en fase de creixement (amb més de dos anys) vinculada al sector de la nàutica i que cerqui inversió privada.

A més d’aquesta jornada de contacte, els inscrits al Fòrum rebran uns cursos previs:

Els emprenedors assistiran a un workshop que els ajudarà a presentar projectes de manera atractiva per captar l’interès dels inversors. El curs tendrà lloc el 18 d’abril, de 15.00 a 19.30h, i el 19 d’abril, de 9.30 a 13.30h, a la Cambra de Comerç a Palma.

Els Inversors Privats o Business Angels podran participar a un curs (Academy) sobre optimització del temps i dels recursos econòmics, així com faran pràctiques per avaluar d’una manera professional i eficient els projectes i oportunitats d’inversió. El curs es farà el 19 d’abril, de 15.00 a 20.00h, i el 20 d’abril, de 10.00 a 16.00h, a la sala de premsa de la Conselleria de Treball, Comerç i Indústria a Palma.

Així, tant inversors com emprenedors podran aplicar els coneixements apresos en aquests cursos al forum d’inversió el 30 d’abril.

La data límit per a la inscripció serà el dia 6 d’abril.

Si sou emprenedors, condicions i inscripcions aquí.

Si sou inversors, condicions i inscripcions aquí.[:en]The IDI is organising the second edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum for investors and entrepreneurs in conjunction with Keiretsu Forum, one of the largest private investment networks in the world. The event will take place at 11 am on 30th April in the Ports de Balears’ conference room.

The objective of the Boat Show Investment Forum is to evaluate the entrepreneurial projects and give them greater visibility, and also boost investments in the nautical sector. Start-ups have the opportunity to present themselves and publicise their project to a quality public that can offer them opportunities to push their idea forward. Promoting these start-ups helps stimulate the boating industry, a sector that is vital to our region.

To participate in the Forum, you must be a company or start-up project (with fewer than two years) or a company undergoing a growth phase (with more than two years) related to the boating industry sector and seeking private investment.

As well as this event for making contacts, those registered for the Forum will receive several courses beforehand:

  • Entrepreneurs will attend a workshop to help them present projects in an attractive way to win the interest of investors. The course will take place on 18th April from 3 pm to 7.30 pm and on 19th April from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, at the Chamber of Commerce (Calle del Estudi General, 7, 07001 Palma).
  • Private Investors and Business Angels will be able to participate in a course (Academy) on the optimisation of time and financial resources, as well as working on practical techniques to assess projects and investment opportunities professionally and efficiently. The course will take place on 19th April from 3 pm to 8 pm and on 20th April from 10 am to 4 pm, in the press room at the Regional Ministry for Work, Trade and Industry (Plaça de Son Castelló, 1, 07009 Palma).

This means that both investors and entrepreneurs will be able to apply the skills learned on these courses at the Investment Forum on 30th April.

The closing date for registration is 6th April.[:de]The IDI is organising the second edition of the Boat Show Investment Forum for investors and entrepreneurs in conjunction with Keiretsu Forum, one of the largest private investment networks in the world. The event will take place at 11 am on 30th April in the Ports de Balears’ conference room.

The objective of the Boat Show Investment Forum is to evaluate the entrepreneurial projects and give them greater visibility, and also boost investments in the nautical sector. Start-ups have the opportunity to present themselves and publicise their project to a quality public that can offer them opportunities to push their idea forward. Promoting these start-ups helps stimulate the boating industry, a sector that is vital to our region.

To participate in the Forum, you must be a company or start-up project (with fewer than two years) or a company undergoing a growth phase (with more than two years) related to the boating industry sector and seeking private investment.

As well as this event for making contacts, those registered for the Forum will receive several courses beforehand:

  • Entrepreneurs will attend a workshop to help them present projects in an attractive way to win the interest of investors. The course will take place on 18th April from 3 pm to 7.30 pm and on 19th April from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, at the Chamber of Commerce (Calle del Estudi General, 7, 07001 Palma).
  • Private Investors and Business Angels will be able to participate in a course (Academy) on the optimisation of time and financial resources, as well as working on practical techniques to assess projects and investment opportunities professionally and efficiently. The course will take place on 19th April from 3 pm to 8 pm and on 20th April from 10 am to 4 pm, in the press room at the Regional Ministry for Work, Trade and Industry (Plaça de Son Castelló, 1, 07009 Palma).

This means that both investors and entrepreneurs will be able to apply the skills learned on these courses at the Investment Forum on 30th April.

The closing date for registration is 6th April.
